Thursday, August 4, 2011

Wheat - week 14

Here we are, so close to harvest that my Hubby is threatening to do it this weekend, and I need to cover a topic I've been meaning to get to for the last few weeks, but haven't had time.

Tares. (Or weeds as we call them)

Let me give you a quick synopsis of Christ's parable. A good man sewed good seed in his field. After he went to bed, his enemy sewed tares among the wheat and slunk away into the night. When the wheat started to grow, the tares were discovered. The servants of the man offered to weed the wheat. But the man was afraid that if the weeds were pulled, it would also pull up the wheat. So, he told them to let the wheat and the tares grow together until the harvest. Then he told the reapers to gather the tares and burn them, but bring the wheat into his barn.

I've learned a few things about this parable as our wheat has grown. Let me show you our North field:

Nice, right? There are a few weeds, but for the most part, the wheat out number them 150 to 1.

Now let me show you our South field:


Can you even see it through all the weeds. Yeah, there's a little patch there. But the whole field is full of tares. Harvest is going to be such a pain. First we have to move all the weeds out of the way, then we can get to the wheat. Ugh!

So three things.

One, it was a HUGE insult for the enemy to sew tares in with the wheat. This had to be some ticked off guy that was really out to make life difficult, if not miserable for his neighbor. Not cool.

Two, the neighbor was sneaky. He did something horrible that took almost two weeks to show up. By then, they couldn't trace the culprit. Sneaky bad guy.

Three, when our south field showed early signs of weeds, I tried to pull them. But, get this, the wheat came out too. So I had to let them grow together lest destroying the one destroyed the other.

I'll leave you with one last photo that tells me harvest time approacheth.


Do you see that? See how the head tips to the side. Soon they will all tip, indicating that their stalks are too weak to hold up the big heads and that the heads are full and ripe.

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