Monday, February 21, 2011


I know I haven't written for a while. (Insert excuse here) Basically, I was trying to take good care of my stuff and I put my camera cord in a really safe place; and couldn't find it for over a month. (Turns out Hubbie's drawers are safer than mine.)

So I'm back. I've been knee-deep in my latest writing project and haven't surfaced much lately, so my adventures have been limited to the ones I invent on screen. At 20,000 words I'm 1/4 of the way through my rough draft. There are two things I've noticed about writing this book.

1: After having read five books on the art of writing and read countless articles on the Internet, my writing is better this time around. It's encouraging and frustrating at the same time. I look back on what I've written before and want to rewrite the whole manuscript (but don't have time.)

2: I love writing historical fiction. I love weaving my little side stories among the historical facts so that they all fit together with no gaps. It's a thrilling challenge. Also, I like working with characters that were already there as well as creating my own to compliment them. It's kind of fun.

I still have 3/4 of the way to go, but a hazy plan is coming together. Wish me luck.

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