Friday, November 8, 2013

Angels of Christmas Blog Tour

Last night I was able to watch 30 minutes of a "Santa lost his memory" movie before I fell asleep, so I woke up this morning full of Christmas cheer. There's no snow on the ground and I'm grateful that the temperatures have gotten back up into the low 70's; but, the excitement of the season has blossomed and I can't wait.

With all the hustle and bustle just over the horizon, it's always a good idea to start out the holidays remembering the reason for the season. One booklet that has helped me with that this year is Angels of Christmas; Heralds of the Newborn King, by Shersta Chabot
Product Details

What I love about this booklet is that it's written in prose. There's something about reading poetry that makes the reader slow down. Rhythm with words can bring a different feel to a long-known subject and open up a new level of understanding. 

Each poem focuses on a different angel(s) visit to foretell or proclaim the birth of the Christ child. I think the booklet would make a wonderful gift for friends, family, and neighbors. You can order your copies here if you'd like, or pick them up at your local book store.

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