Saturday, November 20, 2010

Tasha - do not open until Christmas


Roo loves, loves, loves, loves the Backyardigans. Loves them. So for Christmas I wanted to get her a Backyardigans doll. However, they only make them in beeny-baby size. That was discouraging. Not one to stay down for long, I worked on a pattern for this little cutie. I had to pattern the head twice, but I think it turned out okay.

I haven't ever made my own pattern before. I remember one time my Grandma let me have at her sewing stash and I found a stretchy sea-foam-green with sparkly polka dot material that I tried to make a dress out of. I felt so glamorous. Thankfully, I was too young to need darts. :-) Anyway, though the workmanship was 7-year-old best, I never wore the thing, ever. Hopefully this doll gets a little more use.

My biggest construction problem was my choice of material. I did her in a flannel because I wanted her to be snugly, but the flannel wasn't holding up so great against my stuffing and it pulled apart in a few spots. A few stitches to reinforce did the job and I doubt Roo will ever notice. (You can see them here on the side of her face.)



tiffany said...

i am angie lofthouses sister i like this doll you made i read angies review of widow's mite & orderd it taht day i got it today & read it I LOVE IT it is a wonderful book thank you for writing it

Christina Dymock said...

Thanks Tiffany! I'm so glad to meet you.